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SVG Multitool

Shapes Library

SVG shapes made of paths. All paths are drawn in a 100x100 box.

Bumpy Circle
<path> data
Bumpy Circle 2
<path> data
Squared Blorb
<path> data
<path> data

SVG Path Data Prettier Machine

This is helpful for making things a lot more readable and instruction-like, so you can understand what the path is doing.

Paste your ugly path data:

Machine it ->

Read or copy the pretty path data:

The following commands are available for path data:

  • M = moveto
  • L = lineto
  • H = horizontal lineto
  • V = vertical lineto
  • C = curveto
  • S = smooth curveto
  • Q = quadratic Bézier curveto
  • T = smooth quadratic Bézier curveto
  • A = elliptical Arc
  • Z = closepath

Note: All of the commands here can also be expressed with lower-case letters. Capital letters means absolutely positioned, lower-case means relatively positioned.